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If you were summoned to appear at the Mammoth Lakes courthouse on Monday, April 14, 2025, group #481, this trial is proceeding, and you DO need to appear.

2025 Grand Jury Report

Click here to see the latest Grand Jury Reports.  

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

We are now accepting electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Traffic Information


The Mono County Traffic Division handles adult (18 years old and over) traffic violations and minor offenses (infractions only) as well as  Fish & Game, local city and county ordinances, boating, and dog/animal citations.  NOTE:  Defendant Appearances for Traffic Infraction Court Trials may still appear remote via ZOOM.  For ZOOM link please go to Court Calendar and click on the link with your appearance date and Courtroom.

Parking citations are not handled by the Court. Contact the citing agency listed on the citation.

Juvenile citations are processed through the Probation Department at (760) 932-5570.

Driving under the influence (DUI) or any misdemeanor or felony violations are handled through the Criminal Division.

Online and Phone Payments

Use the court-provided online service to pay your traffic citation.

Attention: DO NOT use this link if you want to contest your citation, appear in court, or have a correctable violation.

Phone payments at (844)507-3641.

Pay Now(link is external)

Request Ability-To-Pay Consideration

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount of a fine for any infraction offense (including traffic offenses), you may ask the Court to consider your ability to pay in setting the total amount due online or in-person at any point before your fines and fees are fully paid.

The MyCitations online tool allows you to enter a plea and make an ability to pay request on eligible infractions. In addition to requesting a reduction, you can request a payment plan, more time to pay, or ask to complete community service in lieu of paying fines and fees.

Do not use the online tool if you wish to:

1) contest the citation,

2) you would like to attend traffic school, or

3) you have proof of correction and would like a dismissal or reduction of those charges.

MyCitations - Request Traffic Fine Reduction

Traffic School

Courtesy Notice of Bail

Understanding Your Notice of Bail

Mono County Superior Court mails a bail notice to the address on the citation within 2–3 weeks of the appearance date which can be located below your signature on the citation. Not receiving your notice of bail is not a legal excuse for failing to take care of the citation by its due date.

The Notice of Bail sent by the court includes the following information:

  • The bail amount for the citation (ticket)
  • The due date when payment must be made (appearance date)
  • Eligibility criteria for Traffic School
  • Information on clearing a "fix-it" violation with proof of correction
  • Where and when to report if you would like to appear in court (NOTE: infractions are not court mandatory)
  • Information for contesting the citation (ticket) and requesting a Court Trial or Written Trial by Declaration

When you are issued a citation, commonly known as "cited" by a law enforcement officer and charged with violating the law (violations), you will receive a written citation that will list your violations.

You must pay the bail amount listed on your Notice of Bail or appear in court on the due date (appearance date). This date is listed on the bottom of your citation and on your Notice of Bail. You have several options for resolving your case without appearing in court, unless your appearance is mandatory (infractions are not court mandatory).

If you wish to appear before the judge to contest your citation, you must notify the court prior to your appearance date.  A court trial date will be provided by the clerk at sends email).

To obtain an extension to pay or appear contact the traffic clerk at sends email).

If you wish to make your traffic/infraction payment with a credit or debit card, pay online(link is external) or call (844) 507-3641. 

NOTE: correctable violations may not be taken care of or paid for online unless you choose not to correct the violation and pay the fine in its entirety.

WARNING: Failure to appear or take action on a citation on or before the due date (appearance date) may cause your citation to be referred to collections. In addition, a hold may be placed on your driving privileges.


Financial Hardship and Inability To Pay

If you have a financial hardship and can show you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses on your citation, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay.  You must explain your financial situation to the court in person or mail the completed Can't Afford to Pay Fine forms found online or obtained at the court clerk's office.

If you appear in court and plead "guilty" at arraignment, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in reducing the fine to be paid. If you plead "not guilty" and after a trial and conviction (you are found guilty by the judge), you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in deciding the fine ordered for the offenses (Veh. Code § 42003(c)). Once the court determines your ability to pay, you can ask it to reconsider if your financial circumstances change.

Alternatively to appearing in person or mailing in forms, you can make your request online using MyCitations. This online tool allows you to enter a plea and make an ability to pay request on eligible infractions. In addition to requesting a reduction, you can request a payment plan, more time to pay, or ask to complete community service in lieu of paying fines and fees.

Frequently Asked Questions