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If you were summoned to appear at the Mammoth Lakes courthouse on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, group #480, this trial is proceeding, and you DO need to appear. If you have submitted your request for postponement or excuse, you will not need to appear even if you have not heard back from the court. If there is a problem with you request, we will notify you at a later date.

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

Starting February 10, 2025, the court will accept electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Grand Jury Application

Serve Your Community by Becoming a Civil Grand Juror

What is a Civil Grand Jury?

A civil grand jury is made up entirely of community volunteers whose primary mission is to examine local government agencies and officials to determine if they are serving the residents of the county in a legal, economical and efficient manner. Grand Jurors are appointed by the Presiding Judge, Mark Magit.

What Does a Civil Grand Jury Do?

California law sets out certain legally required investigations to be done by the grand jury, however, the grand jury on its own initiative can investigate any local government agency and or official it chooses. In addition, the grand jury can investigate local government agencies and or officials based on written concerns or written complaints made by members of the public. The grand jury has a year to do its investigations and submits a final report to the Presiding Judge which will be distributed to the public and local government.

What Are the Qualifications to be a Grand Juror?

You must: 1) be a citizen of the United States, 2) be at least 18 years old, 3) be a resident of California and Mono County for at least one year immediately prior to selection for the grand jury, and 4) possess sufficient knowledge of the English language to communicate both orally and in writing.

What is My Commitment if I Serve as a Grand Juror?

The Presiding Judge will appoint grand jurors to serve for one year from July 1 st to June 30th . Grand jurors can expect at least one general meeting a month for the entire term; time and place of the meetings will be determined by the grand jury members. Video and audio meetings are also allowed. In addition, once the grand jury starts investigating local government agencies, there will be committee meetings to do the investigative work. The amount of time spent on committee meetings and investigative work is determined by the grand jury members. Grand jurors are also asked to attend a two‐day training to be held remotely in August. Grand jurors are volunteers; however, reimbursement for mileage and a $15 per-diem is provided to attend general meetings, committee meetings, and approved trainings.

How do I apply?

You can apply by submitting the webform below, or by submitting this flyer with your contact information to the court by any of the following ways to Nancy Licari, Court’s Executive Assistant: email; fax (760) 923-8588; mail to, Mono County Superior Court, P.O. Box 1037, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546; or drop off the completed flyer at Mammoth Lakes Courthouse, 100 Thompson Way, between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. After hours, you can drop off the completed flyer in the court’s drop box.

Grand Jury Application

  • Current Grand Juror Qualifications
  • Personal Information
  • References, Resident Info, and Past Grand Jury Service
  • Disclosure of Possible Conflicts of Interest
  • Attestation of Statements
  • Complete

Superior Court of California, County of Mono

Grand Juror Qualifications

A grand juror must meet the following qualifications. He/she must be:

  1. A citizen of the U.S.
  2. At least 18 years old.
  3. A resident of California and Mono County for at least one year immediately prior to selection.
  4. In possession of his/her natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence, of sound judgment, and of fair character.
  5. In possession of sufficient knowledge of the English language.

A person is not permitted to act as a grand juror, if he/she:

  1. Is serving as a trial juror in any court in California.
  2. Has been discharged as a grand juror in any county in California within the past year.
  3. Has been convicted of malfeasance in office or any felony or other high crime.
  4. Is serving as an elected public officer, including by appointment.
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