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2025 Grand Jury Report

Click here to see the latest Grand Jury Reports.  

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

We are now accepting electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Grand Jury Complaint Form -

Submit a complaint here

Traffic Information


The Mono County Traffic Division handles adult (18 years old and over) traffic violations and minor offenses (infractions only) as well as  Fish & Game, local city and county ordinances, boating, and dog/animal citations.  NOTE:  Defendant Appearances for Traffic Infraction Court Trials may still appear remote via ZOOM.  For ZOOM link please go to Court Calendar and click on the link with your appearance date and Courtroom.

Parking citations are not handled by the Court. Contact the citing agency listed on the citation.

Juvenile citations are processed through the Probation Department at (760) 932-5570.

Driving under the influence (DUI) or any misdemeanor or felony violations are handled through the Criminal Division.

Online and Phone Payments

Use the court-provided online service to pay your traffic citation.

Attention: DO NOT use this link if you want to contest your citation, appear in court, or have a correctable violation.

Phone payments at (844)507-3641.

Pay Now

Request Ability-To-Pay Consideration

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount of a fine for any infraction offense (including traffic offenses), you may ask the Court to consider your ability to pay in setting the total amount due online or in-person at any point before your fines and fees are fully paid.

The MyCitations online tool allows you to enter a plea and make an ability to pay request on eligible infractions. In addition to requesting a reduction, you can request a payment plan, more time to pay, or ask to complete community service in lieu of paying fines and fees.

Do not use the online tool if you wish to:

1) contest the citation,

2) you would like to attend traffic school, or

3) you have proof of correction and would like a dismissal or reduction of those charges.

MyCitations - Request Traffic Fine Reduction

Traffic School

Courtesy Notice of Bail

Understanding Your Notice of Bail

Mono County Superior Court mails a bail notice to the address on the citation within 2–3 weeks of the appearance date which can be located below your signature on the citation. Not receiving your notice of bail is not a legal excuse for failing to take care of the citation by its due date.

The Notice of Bail sent by the court includes the following information:

  • The bail amount for the citation (ticket)
  • The due date when payment must be made (appearance date)
  • Eligibility criteria for Traffic School
  • Information on clearing a "fix-it" violation with proof of correction
  • Where and when to report if you would like to appear in court (NOTE: infractions are not court mandatory)
  • Information for contesting the citation (ticket) and requesting a Court Trial or Written Trial by Declaration

When you are issued a citation, commonly known as "cited" by a law enforcement officer and charged with violating the law (violations), you will receive a written citation that will list your violations.

You must pay the bail amount listed on your Notice of Bail or appear in court on the due date (appearance date). This date is listed on the bottom of your citation and on your Notice of Bail. You have several options for resolving your case without appearing in court, unless your appearance is mandatory (infractions are not court mandatory).

If you wish to appear before the judge to contest your citation, you must notify the court prior to your appearance date.  A court trial date will be provided by the clerk at

To obtain an extension to pay or appear contact the traffic clerk at

If you wish to make your traffic/infraction payment with a credit or debit card, pay online or call (844) 507-3641. 

NOTE: correctable violations may not be taken care of or paid for online unless you choose not to correct the violation and pay the fine in its entirety.

WARNING: Failure to appear or take action on a citation on or before the due date (appearance date) may cause your citation to be referred to collections. In addition, a hold may be placed on your driving privileges.


Financial Hardship and Inability To Pay

If you have a financial hardship and can show you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses on your citation, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay.  You must explain your financial situation to the court in person or mail the completed Can't Afford to Pay Fine forms found online or obtained at the court clerk's office.

If you appear in court and plead "guilty" at arraignment, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in reducing the fine to be paid. If you plead "not guilty" and after a trial and conviction (you are found guilty by the judge), you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in deciding the fine ordered for the offenses (Veh. Code § 42003(c)). Once the court determines your ability to pay, you can ask it to reconsider if your financial circumstances change.

Alternatively to appearing in person or mailing in forms, you can make your request online using MyCitations. This online tool allows you to enter a plea and make an ability to pay request on eligible infractions. In addition to requesting a reduction, you can request a payment plan, more time to pay, or ask to complete community service in lieu of paying fines and fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Court staff is unable to provide the bail amount on an unfiled citation. Upon entry into the court's computer system, your citation bail amount will be calculated by a computer program that utilizes the court's statewide uniform bail schedule and your driver's license record to calculate the total bail amount due. 

Mono County Superior Court mails a bail notice to the address on the citation within 2-3 weeks of the appearance date which can be located below your signature on the citation. We enter citations in order of appearance date, not issue date. It generally takes 6-8 weeks from the violation date for a citation to be entered into the courts computer system. Once entered into the court's computer system a Notice of Bail is mailed, which will include all the necessary information including bail (fine) amounts, traffic school, and due dates. If you do not receive the Notice of Bail within one week of your appearance date, please contact the court for further information by calling (760) 924-5444 Monday thru Friday 9am to 12noon. You may also email the court at Email is currently the quickest method to communicate with the court. Errors, or omissions of information from the citation, can delay the processing of a citation.

Once your citation has been processed by the court and you choose to pay the fine (forfeiting bail), you can take care of your payment online at or call (844) 507-3641. The court will attempt to mail you a Notice of Bail, but in some cases, due to the difficulty with entering the correct foreign mailing address, you may not receive it. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you receive the ticket for it to be processed with the court and for your citation to be ready to pay online. Be sure to include all letters and numbers of your citation when looking your citation up. You may email the court at  with any questions.

You may pay and close your citation by paying your fine, also known as forfeiting bail, with no further action necessary. To pay your fine, your citation must have been processed by the court. If you haven't received a Notice of Bail showing the fine amount within 8 weeks of receiving the citation or within 1 week of the appearance date, please call the Traffic Division at the court at (760) 924-5444 or email the court at

Legal Notice: If you are eligible to attend traffic school and decide not to attend, your automobile insurance may be affected.

You may choose from the options described below to pay your fine (bail forfeiture):

Please be advised if you pay your entire bail/fines/fees (bail forfeiture), it will be considered a guilty plea. If your violations are vehicle code violations, once you bail forfeit, your violations will be reported to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you are not a California resident, be advised that the California DMV shares information with DMV agencies from most other states.

The court does not accept partial payments without a signed Agreement to Pay and Forfeit Bail in Installments. Any partial payments received by the court for which there is not a signed Agreement on file may be returned to the payee and the case may be subject to additional penalties including a $300 civil assessment.

Traffic Payment Options:

A. In person (please bring your Notice of Bail when paying in person):

Mammoth Lakes Courthouse
100 Thompsons Way
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

Monday – Thursday
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Bridgeport Courthouse
278 Main St.
Bridgeport, CA 93517

Tuesday only:
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

B. Paying by U.S. Mail (please include your Notice of Bail):

Mailing Address: Mono County Superior Court
P.O. Box 1037
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

NOTE: Please send all payments and correspondence to the Mammoth Lakes mailing address.

C . Pay Online:

If you wish to make your payment with a credit or debit card through
Credit and debit cards are only accepted through and by calling (844) 507-3641.
Payment cannot be made by telephone to the court.  Online and Phone payments will be charged a convenience fee for their service.

You may pay using the following options:

  • Personal Checks are imprinted with your name and current address and drawn on a United States bank. Checks should be made payable to Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on your check.
  • Money Orders are drawn on a United States bank. Money Orders should be made payable to Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on the Money Order.
  • Cashier's Checks drawn on a United States Bank. Checks should be made payable to Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on your check.
  • Cash (in person only).
  • Pay Online:
    If you wish to make your payment with a credit or debit card through
    Credit and debit cards are only accepted through and by calling (844) 507-3641.
    Payment cannot be made by telephone to the court.  Online and Phone payments will be charged a convenience fee for their service.

If you wish to arrange for a payment-installment plan, you must complete an Agreement to Pay and Forfeit Bail in Installments form with the court. Payment plans are not allowed if you are requesting traffic school. You may obtain the form by requesting it in person at one of our court locations, by calling the court and requesting payments, or by email

Court Locations & Hours of Operation.

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount of your traffic ticket, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay the full amount of a fine for any infraction offense (including traffic offenses), you may ask the Court to consider your ability to pay in setting the total amount due online or in-person at any point before your fines and fees are fully paid.

The MyCitations online tool allows you to enter a plea and make an ability to pay request on eligible infractions. In addition to requesting a reduction, you can request a payment plan, more time to pay, or ask to complete community service in lieu of paying fines and fees.

Do not use the online tool if you wish to: contest the citation, you would like to attend traffic school, or you have proof of correction and would like a dismissal or reduction of those charges.

If you appear in court and plead "guilty" at arraignment, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in reducing the fine to be paid. If you are convicted at a court trial after pleading "not guilty," you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in deciding the fine ordered for the offenses. (Veh. Code § 42003(c))

Additionally, regardless of your plea, if you are ordered to pay a fine you may ask the court for an installment payment plan that is based on your ability to pay due to a financial hardship.

You can request an extension to either pay your fines or make an appearance in court on your citation.

  • You must contact the court by mail at Mono County Superior Court P.O. Box 1037 Mammoth Lakes CA 93546, come to the courthouse at 100 Thompsons Way in Mammoth Lakes, or send an email with your request to:  You must provide your name and case information with this request.  You will be provided an extension with court approval. 

NOTE: You may call the court and request an extension: courthouse locations and hours of operation.

If you fail to appear or pay your citation on or before the appearance/due date, your case may be referred to a collections agency, or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. A failure to appear hold may also be placed with DMV on your driver's license which could result in your license being suspended. You may also not be able to renew your car's registration.

If your case is referred to an outside collections agency for Failure to Appear (FTA) or Failure to Pay (FTP), and you have a hold placed on your driver's license, visit the Collections Division for more information.

You may choose to attend Traffic School for certain vehicle code violations.

If your violations are traffic school eligible, a Request to Attend Traffic School will be included with your Notice of Bail. However, you must meet the below criteria. Note: receiving a Request To Attend Traffic School with your Notice of Bail does not automatically mean you are eligible.

To be eligible for Traffic School you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your citation is for a moving violation of the California Vehicle Code.
  • You have not attended traffic school within the past 18 months for any other violation from the violation date.
    NOTE: The 18-month period is from violation date to violation date.
  • If your citation is for speeding, you did not exceed 25 mph over the posted speed limit.
  • You were not operating a commercial vehicle at the time of the violation.
  • Your citation does not contain a charge that requires a mandatory court appearance.
  • You were not cited for alcohol or drugs.
  • You have no outstanding Failure to Appear or Failure to Pay.

If you are not eligible to attend but do so anyway, the conviction will be reported on your driving record and there will be no refund of any fees paid.

If you are eligible to attend traffic school and decide not to attend, your automobile insurance may be adversely affected. One conviction in any 18-month period will not show on your driving record if you complete a traffic violator school program.

Process to follow when requesting Traffic School:


If you are eligible for traffic school and also have a correctable or "fix-it" violation, you will need to mail or bring the proof of correction with the fee(s) to the court. You will not be able to take care of the citation on line if you also have correctable violations.

By Mail:

Please sign, date and return the Request to Attend Traffic School along with your Notice of Bail and the required bail/fine and fee amount listed on your Request to Attend Traffic School (bail amount plus $65) to the court at the following address:

Mono County Superior Court
P.O. Box 1037
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

You may pay for your citation using the following options:
  • Personal Checks imprinted with your name and current address and drawn on a United States bank. Checks should be made payable to: Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on your check.
  • Money Orders drawn on a United States bank. Money Orders should be made payable to: Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on the Money Order.
  • Cashier's Checks drawn on a United States Bank. Checks should be made payable to: Mono County Superior Court. Please write your court docket number on your check.
  • Please DO NOT send cash.

If you wish to request Traffic School and make your payment with a credit or debit card through

NOTE: When paying online and requesting traffic school, please read the instructions carefully when selecting from the two options listed under "Full Payment" at step 3. You must pick the 2nd option, which will be the higher amount that includes the mandatory $65 fee for attending traffic school. If you pick the 1st option, "I am paying the amount due," your bail will be forfeited, the case will close and a conviction will be reported to the DMV. If you fail to pay the court the $65 additional processing fee to attend traffic school and you attend without paying the mandatory fee, your certificate of completion of traffic school will be rejected.

In Person:

Pay in person by cash, check or money order only at either of the court locations.

If you request a payment plan to pay for traffic violations, you will not be able to attend traffic school. Payment must be made in full to allow traffic school.

Drop Box:

For your convenience, a drop box for payments is available at the Mammoth Lakes Courthouse location. The payments will be processed on the following day if dropped after 4:00 p.m. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE CASH IN THE DROP BOX.


You will have approximately 60 days from the date payment is made or the date given to you by the court if you appear in court to complete a California DMV approved 8-hour traffic school course. You must also pay an additional tuition fee to the traffic school you attend.

Complete list of California DMV approved traffic schools
Note: the court will not mail you a list of traffic schools.

After you have completed the approved course, the traffic school will electronically inform the court of your completion. You do not need to notify the court of your completion. It is not necessary for you to send the court a copy of the certificate of completion. After your proof of completion is submitted to the court by the traffic school, you can check the status of your completion certificate at

If you are not a resident of California, the court cannot assure you that the Department of Motor Vehicles agency for your state of residence will accept or even receive completion of traffic school. The California DMV and many states share vehicle code violations information and traffic school completions, however, please check with your state's DMV before attending traffic school for your violation in California.

The court will not accept out-of-state traffic school completion certificates.

If you attend traffic school and you fail to pay the $65 Traffic School fee to the court, your certificate of completion will be rejected by the court and a conviction will be reported to the DMV.

If you fail to complete traffic school within the 60-day time given, your case will close and a conviction will be reported to the DMV.

Check the status of the court receiving your completion of traffic school

ATTENTION: Please do not mail your proof of correction without the $25.00 per correctable violation fee. Also, please do not mail your proof of correction and fee(s) to the court until your citation has been entered into the courts system/database. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you receive the citation for it to be entered into the courts system/database.

If you have a correctable violation (as noted on your citation) and you are submitting proof of correction, you must send $25 for each corrected violation. You may take your citation to any law enforcement office during normal business hours so the officer can sign the back of your citation. Send the signed Proof of Correction and your check or money order payable to "Mono County Superior Court" to:

Superior Court
P.O. Box 1037
Mammoth Lakes. CA 93546

Insurance violations may not be signed off or corrected by law enforcement. You must provide proof of insurance to the court.

Correctible AND Moving Violation:

If you have both a moving violation and a correctible violation, you must resolve the moving violation at the time of submitting your proof of correction to the court.

Lost Citations:

If you lost your citation, follow the steps listed below:

Step 1:
Download the Certificate of Correction form.

Step 2:
To complete the form you will need information from your case. Contact the court by calling the Traffic Division at (760) 924-5444 or by email at

Step 3:
Follow instructions on the form and return it to the court by mail.

Send your signed Proof of Correction and your check or money order payable to "Mono County Superior Court" to:

Superior Court
P.O. Box 1037
Mammoth Lakes. CA 93546

Please do not mail your proof of correction without the $25.00 per correctable violation fee. Also, please do not mail your proof of correction and fee(s) to the court until your citation has been entered into the courts system/database. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you receive the citation for it to be entered into the courts system/database.

Insurance Violations:

Your insurance violation (VC §16028(a)) may be dismissed or the fine may be reduced if you can provide proof you had valid insurance at the time the citation was issued.

  • If your insurance was valid on the date of the violation, the charge will be dismissed with a $25 correction fee.
  • If you obtained insurance after the date of the violation, your fine may be reduced (please refer to your Notice of Bail for information on reduced fine).
  • If you do not provide proof of insurance, you must pay the full fine (please refer to your Notice of Bail for information on the full fine amount).

Submitting Proof of Insurance:

Your insurance card or insurance policy must contain the following information:

  • Insured's name
  • Policy number
  • Issuance and expiration date
  • Vehicle description
  • License number

Insurance violations may not be signed off or corrected by law enforcement. If you obtain insurance after the date of violation, your fine may be reduced.

Correctible Insurance Violation AND Moving Violation:

  • In person at the Mono County Superior Court — Court locations and hours
  • By mail: Please make your check or money order payable to "Mono County Superior Court" and note your docket number or citation number on the check. Send your check or money order and your proof of insurance to:

Superior Court
P.O. Box 1037
Mammoth Lakes. CA 93546