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If you were summoned to appear at the Mammoth Lakes courthouse on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, group #480, this trial is proceeding, and you DO need to appear. If you have submitted your request for postponement or excuse, you will not need to appear even if you have not heard back from the court. If there is a problem with you request, we will notify you at a later date.

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

Starting February 10, 2025, the court will accept electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Name Searches and Records Requests

Requirements for Name Searches and Records Requests

There are different types of record searches and name searches that can be requested by individuals, search companies, businesses, or government agencies. Each service performed by the court requires a fee that needs to be paid before the name search or copying of records can occur.

The Mono Superior Court does not have an online search engine that allows for access to the court’s case management system for Name Searches and Records. All search requests and copying are performed by a clerk or staff member employed by the Mono County Superior Court.

A name search requires the person’s full legal name (and any aliases), date of birth, and, if possible, a driver’s license number.

Record requests without a case or docket number will be charged a search fee in order to locate the file to make copies.  

When making a Records or Name Search Request, please be as specific as possible and send a payment for services with the request.

  • A $15 Search Fee by Name.
  • $.50 per page Copy Fee. The court will provide the total amount due AFTER the request has been made for the SPECIFIC documents needing copying.
  • Search Request credit card payment form (accepted via fax only). Search Request Form

Requests can be made in person at the Mammoth Lakes or Bridgeport branches, by mail at Mono County Superior Court, Attn: Searches P.O. Box 1037, Mammoth Lakes CA  93546 or email at

Request Information and Options

Six different types of name and record searches are available. Each requires a fee.

$15.00 Per Name (pursuant to §70627 of the California Government Code)

The court will provide the following basic information for any known civil, misdemeanor, or felony cases in the date range provided. Infractions are excluded from the results unless requested.

  • Case Number
  • Violation date/initial filing date
  • Charge/violation code
  • Severity of charge (i.e. Infraction, Misdemeanor or Felony)
  • Violation date
  • Sentencing (i.e. Dismissed, Convicted, Forfeited, etc.)
  • Date of Sentencing
  • Plea
  • Court Orders (i.e. fine amount, probation, time served, etc.)

The court tries to complete any search requests of this type within 1–2 weeks from the date of receipt.

$15.00 Per Name

The court will provide the following basic information for any known civil, misdemeanor, or felony cases in the date range provided. Infractions are excluded from the results unless requested.

  • Case Number
  • Violation date/initial filing date
  • Charge/violation code
  • Severity of charge (i.e. Infraction, Misdemeanor, or Felony)
  • Violation date
  • Sentencing (i.e. Dismissed, Convicted, Forfeited, etc.)
  • Date of Sentencing
  • Plea
  • Court Orders (i.e. fine amount, probation, time served, etc.)

Due to the extensive nature of this request, the court tries to complete this type of search within 3–4 weeks from the date of receipt. Some files may not be able to be located due to records destruction or misfiling.

$.50 per page. The court will provide the total amount due AFTER the request has been made for the SPECIFIC documents needing copying.

  • If you do NOT have a case number, you will need to request a name search and pay the associated fee.
  • If you are requesting copies by mail, please make sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of the requested documents.

$25.00 per document plus $1.00 per page. The court will provide the total amount due AFTER the request has been made for the SPECIFIC documents needing certified copying.

  • If you do NOT have a case number, you will need to request a name search and pay the associated fee.

$15.00 per document plus $1.00 per page. The court will provide the total amount due AFTER the request has been made for the Judgment.

  • If you do NOT have a case number, you will need to request a name search and pay the associated fee.

California Superior Courts cannot charge other governmental agencies for civil court record searches and record copies. However, California Government Code §70633(c) and §70633(b), gives California Superior Courts the option to charge other governmental agencies for searching, copying and certifying copies of court criminal records. The Superior court of California for Mono County has opted to not charge other governmental entities for searching, copying and certifying court criminal records pursuant to the aforementioned Government Code sections.