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If you were summoned to appear at the Mammoth Lakes courthouse on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, group #480, this trial is proceeding, and you DO need to appear. If you have submitted your request for postponement or excuse, you will not need to appear even if you have not heard back from the court. If there is a problem with you request, we will notify you at a later date.

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

Starting February 10, 2025, the court will accept electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Interpreter Services

Access to Interpreter Services

Mono Superior Court has expanded access to interpreter services. Interpreter Services are available for all of the following mandatory types of cases.

  • Civil: Provided by the court based on service priority
  • Criminal: Interpreters will always be provided by the court
  • Juvenile Delinquency/Dependency: Provided by the court based on service priority
  • Mental Competency Hearings with Appointed Counsel: Provided by the court based on service priority
  • Traffic: Provided by the court based on service priority

Court-provided interpreters do not provide legal advice and cannot help parties fill out or file their court forms.

Service Priority For Civil, Family Law, and Other Cases

Interpreter Services are available by case type priority as follows:

  1. Protective order sought in family law domestic violence cases, in elder or dependent adult physical abuse or neglect cases, or in civil harassment cases.
  2. Unlawful detainers.
  3. Termination of parental rights.
  4. Conservatorship or guardianship.
  5. Actions by a parent to obtain sole legal or physical custody of a child or visitation.
  6. Elder/dependent adult abuse cases NOT involving physical abuse or neglect, or all other civil harassment proceedings.
  7. All other family law (i.e., family law cases not involving domestic violence, sole legal or physical custody, or visitation).
  8. All other civil cases (based on the availability of interpreters).

Contact the Interpreter Coordinator at (760) 924-5444, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m., Monday - Friday (excluding court holidays) for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are involved in one of the case types listed above, you may ask the clerk at the counter or in the courtroom for an interpreter. You may also ask for an interpreter by printing and filling out the Interpreter Request Form and bringing it into our Clerk's Office, or fill out and email this form using the email address found on the form.

It is important to notify the court as soon as possible if an interpreter is needed. If you wait until your court date, you may have to wait until an interpreter can be contacted. If an interpreter is not available at the time of your hearing, your case may be continued until an interpreter can be assigned.

The court will not provide you with an interpreter except in the case types listed above. If you need an interpreter to help you understand what is said during one of these court proceedings, you must bring a certified, registered or provisionally qualified interpreter to interpret for you. You may not bring anyone under the age of 18 to interpret for you. For a list of qualified interpreters, please check the Judicial Council website, Search for an Interpreter.

The court will provide you with a sign language interpreter for any court hearing you may have. The court will also provide you with a sign language interpreter if you are called for jury duty. Please tell a clerk at the counter or in the courtroom as soon as possible if you will need a sign language interpreter. For more information on this and other Access and Accommodation needs please visit the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) page on this site.

Due to the limited resources of certified/registered interpreters statewide, the court may sometimes provide a provisionally qualified interpreter (non-certified, non-registered for the mandated areas listed above). As a court interpreter, you will play a key role in our trial courts by interpreting for defendants, litigants and witnesses thereby helping to insure access to the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) customers. For more information on how to become a court interpreter please visit the Judicial Council website, Interpreter Program. Or contact the Interpreter Coordinator at (760) 924-5444.

The Mono Superior Court understands that without proper language assistance, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) court users may be excluded from meaningful participation in the judicial process. The Courts are always searching for new solutions for these issues including more efficient use of existing resources to help improve and expand language access around the state. For more information on efficiencies that Mono Superior Court has implemented to enhance language access for all LEP court users, see our Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan.

For information on the Judicial Council, view the Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts.

Complaint Process

The California courts want all Californians, including those who do not speak English well, to have access to the courts. If you have a complaint about access to language services, or if you would like to provide feedback about language access services, you may submit a complaint form using one of the provided fillable forms below. The Court provides versions of the form in Spanish, English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Eastern Armenian, Farsi, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

The Court Language Access Representative will review and respond to all interpreter and language access complaints. The Court takes all complaints about language access very seriously and will address the concerns in an appropriate manner. You can fill out the form and turn it in by hand, postal mail or e-mail. Please see the form for further instructions.
