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If you were summoned to appear at the Mammoth Lakes courthouse on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, group #480, this trial is proceeding, and you DO need to appear. If you have submitted your request for postponement or excuse, you will not need to appear even if you have not heard back from the court. If there is a problem with you request, we will notify you at a later date.

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

Starting February 10, 2025, the court will accept electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

2024-25 Trial Courts Budget, Judicial Council Allocations

Judicial Council Reports

The Judicial Branch Budget Committee and Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee report to the council provide helpful detail regarding the allocations, and can be viewed by following the links below on the California Courts website:


The final reduction for fund balances above the 3 percent cap, based on courts’ final 2023–24 year-end fund balance figures, will occur following Judicial Council approval at its November 2024 business meeting.

California Rule of Court (CRC) 10.620(f) requires trial courts to provide notice no later than 15 court days after receipt of the annual allocation of the trial court budget from the Judicial Council after enactment of the Budget