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2025 Grand Jury Report

Click here to see the latest Grand Jury Reports.  

Electronic Filing (e-Filing)

We are now accepting electronic filing!  Click here for more information.  

The Judicial Branch of California does not send texts asking for payment.

Any texts you may have received are fraudulent.

Grand Jury Complaint Form -

Submit a complaint here

Self-Help and Family Law Facilitator

Mono's Self-Help Center & Family Law Facilitator Attorney

Self-help and family law assistance are provided at the Mammoth Lakes branch of the court.  Attorney availability to provide self-help and family law assistance varies.  If you need family law information please email

Hours and Services

Mono County Family Law Facilitator may be reached Tuesday thru Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (760) 923-2314.

If you need family law information please email


Visiting the Family Law Facilitator Attorney

A Family Law Facilitator is an attorney appointed by the court to assist parents in resolving child support and health insurance issues that arise when parents separate. Priority is given to those parents who cannot afford to hire an attorney. If the Facilitator has time, they can help with other family law problems the parents may have.

The Facilitator CAN:

  • explain the court process to you,
  • mediate disputes about child custody and spousal support, stepparent adoptions, guardianships, and name changes,
  • help you prepare for court,
  • refer you to the Family Support Division and other community resources,
  • answer other family law questions that you may have, and
  • provide you with information on how to handle the important issues of child support, spousal support, paternity, custody, visitation, and requesting or responding to a domestic violence restraining order.

The Facilitator CANNOT:

  • represent you in court, nor
  • give you legal advice regarding your particular case.

Required Materials

For your meeting with the Facilitator, you must bring:

  • A copy of any court documents relating to your case
  • Income and expense information
  • Your last three paycheck stubs, or AFDC invoice
  • A copy of your last tax return

Upon arrival, you will be asked to fill out an Intake Form. If you need to fill out forms to proceed with your case, you may obtain these from the Facilitator. The Facilitator has instructional material that will show you how to fill out these forms.

If you need legal advice, the Facilitator will assist you in finding an attorney to help you.